Springtime Shuffle
Lately, I have been blown away at how fleeting each stage and season truly is. The springtime is always a great refresh after the wintertime grind. We begin spending more time outside as we get more light in the evenings.
Right now, I have to say how thankful I am for the schedule that I currently have. It allows me to spend more time with my two littles and at my favorite spot, our home. It is amazing how easily we can forget how temporary each season is. When you are doing your best to be a great mom, wife, entrepreneur, have your house look more like a home and less like a barn, and try to keep yourself nice, I feel like a dog chasing its tail.

Parrot Stage
Mae is in the parrot stage, copying every new word that comes from my mouth. It sounds 100x sweeter and cuter though, so I oftentimes have to ask her to say it once more for me. Thankfully, she loves to be outside, and cries at the backdoor with her boots in hand when she doesn’t get to go out with dad or brother. We are in love with Buzz Lightyear and Cowgirl Jessie. I think we have watched Toy Story 2 roughly 72 times in the last two months.
Pedal Bikes & T-ball
Hayes recently mastered his pedal bike and now spends more hours on it than his own two feet. He is also falling in love with the sport of baseball with every game of t-ball he plays. Nothing quite says spring like a fresh baby calf or taking a springtime afternoon at the ball fields. This is our first season, and after receiving multiple emails about the season being delayed due to no coaches volunteering, my husband (and I) decided to step up to the plate. Thankfully, my husbands good friend who doesn’t have a kid on the team also thought it would be fun to relive the little league days and volunteered to coach with him too. He anxiously awaits his fifth birthday at the end of the month.
Springtime Cattle Care
We are keeping the road hot tending to all of the cattle. Making sure all cattle are in good health, have plenty of loose mineral in their tub, an abundance of feed, and access to stock water. My husband loves to sneak in a little Morel Mushroom hunting too whenever we can. This was the first year we were able to find them on some ground that we lease. He stumbled across the mother load while fixing fence on our mountain permit late last spring. They are decadent sautéed in butter and garlic with our Modoc Spice and we put them over New York steaks. We have learned quickly how territorial mushroom hunters are in our area though, when they are able to sell them for $40.00/lb. It is just a fun, seasonal treat that we enjoy once a year.
enjoyed my morning coffee more with your blog in the other hand. With your insightful and descriptive words you just took me on a journey, a small look at your big life. Making dreams come true. SR
Sending so much love your way friend! I am glad you enjoyed the read and I hope your coffee was on point. I look forward to seeing and talking to you soon.